Ln 5 4 3 2 1 |
1500m to go
Ln 5 4 3 2 1 |
1000m to go o...o...o...o...o...o... <FIT <SYR <DRX <GWU <GON o...o...o...o...o...o... |
Ln 5 4 3 2 1 |
500m to go o...o...o...o...o...o... <FIT <SYR <DRX <GWU <GON o...o...o...o...o...o... |
Ln 5 4 3 2 1 |
Pl | Crew | Elapsed Time |
Split Time |
1 | DRX | 1:26.28 | 1:26.28 |
2 | SYR | 1:26.89 | 1:26.89 |
3 | GWU | 1:27.99 | 1:27.99 |
4 | FIT | 1:29.25 | 1:29.25 |
5 | GON | 1:29.80 | 1:29.80 |
1 | SYR | 2:57.80 | 1:30.91 |
2 | GWU | 2:58.78 | 1:30.79 |
3 | DRX | 2:59.49 | 1:33.21 |
4 | FIT | 3:00.55 | 1:31.30 |
5 | GON | 3:02.73 | 1:32.93 |
1 | GWU | 4:28.75 | 1:29.97 |
2 | SYR | 4:29.41 | 1:31.61 |
3 | DRX | 4:30.61 | 1:31.12 |
4 | FIT | 4:31.11 | 1:30.56 |
5 | GON | 4:37.48 | 1:34.75 |
1 | GWU | 5:58.44 | 1:29.69 |
2 | SYR | 5:59.60 | 1:30.19 |
3 | FIT | 6:00.50 | 1:29.39 |
4 | DRX | 6:03.95 | 1:33.34 |
5 | GON | 6:10.80 | 1:33.32 |
Race started on June 1, 2013 at 12:15.
Abbreviations: GON is Gonzaga University. GWU is George Washington University. DRX is Drexel University. SYR is Syracuse University. FIT is Florida Institute of Technology.
First, second and thrd from Semi-Final 3 and 4 advance to the Final 3 (Third Final). Fourth, fifth and sixth to Final 4.
2013 IRA National Championship
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